Keeping Our Bodies Healthy

3 Ways To Treat Your Child's Head Lice

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Although COVID has decreased the school, camp, and sports activities, your children can still bring home head lice. Lice can actually spread by sharing clothing, hats, towels, combs, and other personal items with an infected individual. Lice can cause itchiness and sores on the scalp, so it’s important to properly remove and eradicate these pests. If you notice that your child has lice, here are three ways to treat the issue. Read More»

The Pros And Cons Of Taking Opiates For Pain Relief

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If you have surgery, or if you develop a painful injury, you will have a few different pain relief options. There are over-the-counter pain relievers like ibuprofen, herbal options like CBD, and opiates. Many doctors prescribe opiate pain relievers, like hydrocodone and codeine, for patients in pain. But should you take these opiate pain relievers? That depends. Take a look at these pros and cons when making your decision. Pro: Opiates are quite effective in almost all patients. Read More»

How Professional Hearing Aid Maintenance Helps With Ear Wax Issues

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Hearing aids are fairly tough and secure tools that rarely need a lot of upkeep or upgrades to keep them strong. However, there may be a time when it is necessary to manage ear wax problems. This issue is common with hearing aids and may become a real concern if not properly managed. Thankfully, a high-quality maintenance and cleaning should help out a lot here. Ear Wax Problems Affect Hearing Aid Operation Read More»

Are You Holding Onto These Misconceptions About Reiki?

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You’ve probably heard of reiki, which is a form of energy healing that’s becoming more popular in the United States. However, what you have heard or believe about reiki may not be accurate. There are a lot of misconceptions floating around about the practice, and to decide whether or not it’s right for your needs, you need to know the truth. Misconception #1: Reiki is a religious practice. Reiki is often mistaken for a religious practice. Read More»

Ways Urgent Care Centers Help With Bad Poison Ivy

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Exploring in the woods can be a lot of fun when it is done right but can also become an issue for some people. For example, some may end up developing poison ivy rashes that can be quite painful and hard to tolerate. In a situation when these rashes become too widespread on the body, it may be necessary to go to an urgent care center to get help for this issue right away. Read More»